22 Anniversary

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Government Relations

Documents pertaining to Independence National Historical Park ("INHP"), the National Park Service ("NPS"), the Independence Visitor Center ("IVC") and the City of Philadelphia regarding commercial solicitation policies for vendors, and tour staging locations for tour companies including The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia.

Litigation Overview - The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia versus the Independence Visitor Center Corporation and the National Park Service, July 10, 2009

For additional commentary, please see www.IndependencePark.blogspot.com


  1. Gateway [Independence] Visitor Center Authorization Act of 1999, PUBLIC LAW 106–131—DEC. 7, 1999
  2. National Park Service Memo - Gateway [Independence] Visitor Center Authorization Act, January 3, 2000
  3. Special Use Permit (November 19, 2001 through January 31, 2002) and Amendments 1-20 (January 31, 2002 through July 31, 2009), United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, "Name of Use: Operation of Independence Visitor Center," Permits, NER INDE 5300 016 & NER INDE 5300 42
  4. Summary of more than $6.4 million in payments made to the Independence Visitor Center Corporation ("IVCC") from Independence National Historical Park, a unit of the National Park Service, from Federal appropriations to fund IVCC's operations from 1/23/02-1/6/09, even when the parties are not in compliance with Public Law 106-131
  5. 2003-2004 Independent Auditors' Report, Financial Statements And Supplementary Information, Independence Visitor Center Corporation, Years ended June 30, 2004 And 2003," dated August 19, 2004 - See Note 7 entitled "Related Party Transactions"
  6. 2005-2006 Independent Auditors' Report, Financial Statements And Supplementary Information, Independence Visitor Center Corporation, Years ended June 30, 2006 And 2005," dated September 22, 2006 - See Note 7 entitled "Related Party Transactions"
  7. 2007 Independent Auditors' Financial Statements And Supplementary Information with reporting requirements for OMB Circular A-133, Independence Visitor Center Corporation, Year ended June 30, 2007," dated May 5, 2008 - See Note 6 entitled "Related Party Transactions"
  8. 2008 Independent Auditors' Financial Statements And Supplementary Information with reporting requirements for OMB Circular A-133, Independence Visitor Center Corporation, Year ended June 30, 2008," dated November 19, 2008 - See Note 6 entitled "Related Party Transactions
  9. Superintendent's Annual Narrative Report, Independence National Historical Park, October 1, 2006 – September 30, 2007
  10. Independence Visitor Center in Philadelphia, Ticket Sales – Inside Kiosk License Agreement (only provided to select motorized tour operators), Prepared by Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, Draft, August 2005
  11. "Doing Business with the National Park Service Concession Program," United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Concession Program
  12. Independence National Historical Park, Special Events Annual Report, FY 2008 with Summaries of Current Commercial Use Authorizations That Have Been Issued
  13. Replica Liberty Bell "tourist trap" operated inside of the Independence Visitor Center with the approval of the IVC and Independence National Historical Park, in spite of the fact that this: A) is not in keeping with the mission of INHP, B) does not provide for a good visitor experience, and C) is inconsistent with other INHP's policies about solicitation and commercial activities that are strictly applied to other third parties including tour operators and vendors.
  14. Photos of Concessions and Commercial Uses of various parties, both inside and outside of the Independence Visitor Center, including on property owned by Independence National Historical Park, a unit of the National Park Service.


  1. Superintendent's 2004 Compendium for Independence National Historical Park


  1. Timeline of Events to attain a Resolution with Independence National Historical Park, the Independence Visitor Center and the City of Philadelphia regarding Tour Staging Locations for The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia


  1. Letter from Dennis Reidenbach, Director, Northeast Region, National Park Service, to Congressman Robert Brady (D, PA - 1st District), June 5, 2009
  2. Letter from Congressman Robert Brady (D, PA - 1st District) to Secretary Ken Salazar, United States Department of the Interior, regarding Independence National Historical Park, the Independence Visitor Center and The Constitutional Walking Tour, April 27, 2009
  3. Letter from Chrysandra Walter, Acting Regional Director, National Park Service, to Senator Arlen Specter, July 11, 2007
  4. Letter from the Office of Senator Arlen Specter to the National Park Service regarding The Constitutional Walking Tour, June 20, 2007
  5. Letter from Dennis Reidenbach, Superintendent, Independence National Historical Park, to Senator Arlen Specter, January 16, 2007
  6. Letter from Senator Arlen Specter to Dennis Reidenbach, Superintendent, Independence National Historical Park, regarding The Constitutional Walking Tour, December 7, 2006
  7. Letter from Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell to the Honorable Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior regarding Valley Forge National Historical Park, December 15, 2005


  1. "For Visitor Center Kiosk Owner, Gag's No Joke," Philadelphia Daily News, June 9, 2009
  2. "Fair Play on Independence," Editorial By Jonathan and Leslie Bari, Philadelphia Business Journal, March 13, 2009
  3. "Respect History," Editorial by Bill Caughlan (about Bill Moore and the Independence Visitor Center), National Park Service Ranger, The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 4, 2009
  4. "Mall Madness," Editorial, Philadelphia Daily News, April 3, 2008
  5. "Tour Problems Center on Lack of Agreement," Philadelphia Daily News, March 27, 2008
  6. "Smaller Tour Operators Seek More Access on Independence Mall," The Associated Press, March 26, 2008
  7. "When Ducks Act Like Hogs: Tour-Bus Quackery," Philadelphia Daily News," March 25, 2008


  1. Letter from LaRima L. Lane, FOIA Appeals Specialist, Department of the Interior, regarding FOIA Appeal Number 2006-189 to Jonathan Bari, The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia, August 25, 2006. As of March 24, 2008, Appeal Number 2006-189 is still pending with the Department of the Interior, in spite of the fact that the Freedom of Information Act requires an agency to make a determination on an appeal within 20 (twenty) workdays after receipt of such appeal - 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(ii).
  2. Letter from Darrell R. Strayhorn, FOIA Appeals Officer, Department of the Interior, regarding FOIA Appeal Number 2006-189 to Jonathan Bari, The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia, August 7, 2006. As of March 24, 2008, Appeal Number 2006-189 is still pending with the Department of the Interior, in spite of the fact that the Freedom of Information Act requires an agency to make a determination on an appeal within 20 (twenty) workdays after receipt of such appeal - 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(ii).
  3. Letter from Jonathan Bari, The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia, to National Park Service, Freedom of Information Appeal resulting from the FOIA denial from Independence National Historical Park, dated July 18, 2006, to FOIA Request dated June 19, 2006, pursuant to 43 CFR § 2.28. As of March 24, 2008, Appeal Number 2006-189 is still pending with the Department of the Interior, in spite of the fact that the Freedom of Information Act requires an agency to make a determination on an appeal within 20 (twenty) workdays after receipt of such appeal - 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(ii).
  4. Letter from Dennis Reidenbach, Superintendent, Independence National Historical Park, regarding FOIA Request (A7221(INDE)) to Jonathan Bari, The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia, July 18, 2006.


  1. Ride the Ducks - Independence National Historical Park Commercial Use Authorization ("CUA") for Penn Ducks, a fictitious name which does business as Ride the Ducks, August 1, 2008-July 31, 2010
  2. Ride the Ducks - Independence National Historical Park Commercial Use Authorization ("CUA") for Philly Ducks, a fictitious name which does business as Ride the Ducks, August 1, 2008-July 31, 2010
  3. Ride the Ducks - Independence National Historical Park Commercial Use Authorization ("CUA") for River Ducks, a fictitious name which does business as Ride the Ducks, August 1, 2008-July 31, 2010
  4. Ride the Ducks - Independence National Historical Park Commercial Use Authorization ("CUA") for Ride the Ducks, a fictitious name which does business as Ride the Ducks, August 1, 2008-July 31, 2010



  1. City of Philadelphia Bill No 050862 - The Philadelphia Code, Title 9, Chapter 9-400 Carriers, of The Philadelphia Code, Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions, as amended on January 24, 2006
  2. Independence National Historical Park ("INHP") - Tour Passenger Loading Zone Areas for Motorized Tour Operators at the Independence Visitor Center ("IVC") Showing Four Staging Locations for Ride the Ducks (Ride the Ducks, Philly Ducks, River Ducks, and Penn Ducks).


  1. Declaration House: Closed Entire July 4th Weekend, 2006 - Visitors wanting to see the Declaration House where Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence were greeted with locked gates to the Declaration House courtyard and a very unfriendly note posted on the gate from the National Park Service that said "Closed due to equipment failure." Huh? Plus very limited availability all year round has continued through to the present in Spring 2008. This is just another example of the questionable judgement and poor visitor experience that the National Park Service provides visitors.


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