22 Anniversary

For more information:

Constitutional Convention Invitation - 2005

The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia
cordially invites you to attend
the 2nd modern-day Constitutional Convention
of Wayfinding and Interpretive Master Plan Development
moderated by Cliff Selbert from
Selbert Perkins Design Collaborative

Friday, January 14, 2005
9:00am to 12:00pm
National Constitution Center
525 Arch Street, Independence Mall
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia,
launched in 2002, is a free self-guided walking journey
through America’s most historic square mile featuring
more than 30 historic sites.

Kindly RSVP by January 5, 2005 to 215.525.1776 or info@TheConstitutional.com
Space is limited. Refreshments will be provided.

Goals and Objectives of The Constitutional Wayfinding and Interpretive Master Plan Project

Examine the route and landscape of The Constitutional's ecosystem and to look for ways in which we can improve it,
Augment The Constitutional Walking Tour from a listing of sites to a more engaging and interconnected storyline that will entertain and educate visitors in compelling ways,
Promote The Constitutional Walking Tour in a manner which reawakens visitors and local residents alike to Philadelphia's unique history while increasing visitation to the historic sites along The Constitutional, and
Invite broader participation in The Constitutional Walking Tour by stakeholders in the Independence Mall area ecosystem including interpreters, historians, historic sites, the tourism industry, individuals, residents, government officials, etc.
The Constitutional has retained Selbert Perkins to spearhead its enhanced Wayfinding and Interpretive Master Plan Development. The Constitutional and Selbert Perkins are working with Ron Thomson, the former Chief of Interpretive Support with Independence National Historical Park, who worked for the National Park Service for more than 20 years. Additionally, Selbert Perkins is working with others with respect to developing The Constitutional's Master Plan to enhance the stories told along the pathways of The Constitutional using new wayfinding markings and signage.

Specifically, Selbert Perkins is assisting The Constitutional's educational mission in providing their expertise in wayfinding, environmental communications and cultural landscape preservation with respect to the development of educational programming initiatives on the history of the United States Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the role which the Independence National Historical Park area in Philadelphia played with respect to founding of the United States of America, as they relate to The Constitutional Walking Tour.

Background on Selbert Perkins

Selbert Perkins is a strategic branding and design firm with over 20 years of experience creating branded environments and related communications for the National Park Service, state and city organizations, tourism and heritage organizations and community groups. Selbert Perkins has combined the disciplines of branding, environmental communications including signage wayfinding, public art, and other interpretive elements, streetscapes, and marketing communications with the beauty of art and architecture to create branded, competitively differentiated experiences for destinations throughout the United States and around the world. Selbert Perkins's solutions aid in community revitalization, economic development, and heritage education. Some of Selbert Perkins's heritage recent projects include:

Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston,

The Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island,

South Carolina's National Heritage Corridor,
Wheeling National Heritage Area in West Virginia,

Motorcities - The Automobile National Heritage Area in Michigan, and

The Yadkin Pee Dee Lakes Project in North Carolina.

Kindly RSVP by January 5, 2005 to 215.525.1776 or info@TheConstitutional.com
Space is limited. Refreshments will be provided.

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