22 Anniversary

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By the Numbers

60 Second Briefing

The Constitutional’s
Program Offerings
Number of
Historical Sites*
Time to
Free Fee
The Constitutional Self-Guided Tour 33+ 3.25 miles 3-4 hours  
The Constitutional Virtual Field Trip 33 N/A 1-2 hours  
The Constitutional Guided Tour 20+ 1.25 miles 75 minutes  
The Constitutional Audio Tour 20+ 1.25 miles 75 minutes  

*In the Independence National Historical Park Ecosystem

Leading Indicators

  • 1,000,000 - Number of Annual Historic Site Visits in the Independence National Historical Park area generated by The Constitutional Walking Tour. This is especially significant in terms of helping visitors see historic sites beyond the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.
  • 131,000 - Number of unique visitors who took The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia in 2005.
  • 1,000,000+ - Number of unique visitors who have taken The Constitutional Walking Tour since 2003.
  • $14,500,000.00 - Local economic impact in 2013 generated by visitors taking The Constitutional Walking Tour.
  • 40 - Percentage of the U.S. population that is within a day's drive of Philadelphia which is at the center of the Northeast Corridor between Washington, D.C. and New York.
  • 23 - The number of Philadelphia Firsts that you learn on The Constitutional. As the birthplace of America, Philadelphia can lay claim to many "firsts," including the first Public Library, the first Volunteer Fire Department and the first Hospital in America. You can get to know these and other Philadelphia Firsts when you take The Constitutional Walking Tour. Whether this is your first visit to Philadelphia or your 101st visit, there are so many things to discover in Philadelphia. Did you know that Philadelphia had all of these firsts?
  • 4,400 - Average number of footsteps required to walk The Constitutional Guided Tour route (assuming 3,520 foot steps per mile).
  • Top 25 - The Constitutional Walking Tour has consistently been ranked as a “Top 25 Tourist Attraction” since 2004, according to the Philadelphia Business Journal.
  • 50 - Number of states in the USA from which that The Constitutional has hosted visitors.
  • 50 - Number of foreign countries from which visitors have taken The Constitutional Walking Tour.
  • 14 - Number of languages that The Constitutional Walking Tour has available online for its free self-guided tour: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.
  • 1st - The Constitutional Cell Phone Tour was the first cell phone tour of Philadelphia.
  • 1st - As of 2006, The Constitutional Audio Tour was the 1st walking tour of Historic Philadelphia available on iTunes.
  • 7,500 - Number of pounds of paper of walking tour brochures that The Constitutional Walking Tour distributes on average each year. The Constitutional's brochure has consistently been one of the most popular brochures in terms of requests and usage, according to CTM Media Group and concierge desk requests.
  • 53.1 MB - Size of The Constitutional Audio Tour files.

Note: These statistics are arrived at using best estimates and some outside research sources. Attendance figures are an approximation using best efforts statistical analyses as to visitors who have taken any one The Constitutional's various tours, in part or whole.

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