22 Anniversary

For more information:

NEW: Flat Stanley Field Trips

  • Flat Stanley at the Liberty Bell
  • Flat Stanley at the President's House Site

Flat Stanley is the name of a series of great books based around Stanley Lambchop, the main character, and his family (Stanley's mom, dad and younger brother named Arthur). In "Flat Stanley, His Original Adventure", the story begins with a bulletin board falling on Stanley's bed while he slept and flattening him. Fortunately, Stanley was not hurt, but he was as flat "as a pancake" according to Mr. Lambchop. When Stanley's parents took him to see his pediatrician, Stanley was measured at four feet tall, about four feet wide and half an inch thick.  Based on his new state of "flatness", Stanley embarks on a series of adventures including sliding under doors, slipping into an underground drainage grate and being used as a kite. One special advantage is that Flat Stanley can now visit his friends all over the world by being mailed in an envelope or taken to visit such great places such as America's Birthplace - Historic Philadelphia.

Flat Stanley Takes The Constitutional Walking Tour
There are many different ways that your students can embark on their learning adventures with Flat Stanley visiting Historic Philadelphia. Students can either create their own individual Flat Stanley or one for their entire class, by downloading the Flat Stanley Template.  Students can then bring their Flat Stanley on The Constitutional Walking Tour and let Flat Stanley step back in time and walk in the Founding Fathers' footsteps. Along their journey in our outdoor classroom, students and adults can take photos of Flat Stanley visiting various sites and then journal about what Flat Stanley did on his field trip and what he learned about each site's historical events.  Teachers have found that this is a great way to teach students about effective storytelling with chronicling the adventures on The Constitutional Walking Tour.

Click here to book your school field trip and let us know that you want to bring Flat Stanley on your field trip.

In addition to the Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure!, here are a few of our favorite other adventures:

Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #9: The US Capital Commotion
Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #13: The Midnight Ride of Flat Revere
Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity


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