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Mormon Church Prepares to Open Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Philadelphia & Pennsylvania Provide Historical Context to the Founding of the Mormon Church and to the Pioneer Builder, Henry Grow, Jr., a Native Philadelphian, Architect and Engineer Who Designed and Built the Salt Lake City Tabernacle for Brigham Young 


Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple Overview

In just six months, the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be dedicated on September 18, 2016.  Visitors of all faiths are invited to take a tour during the open house from Friday, August 5, 2016 through Saturday, September 3, 2016, excluding Sundays.  There will also be a cultural celebration featuring music and dance on Saturday evening, September 17, 2016. Because Mormon temples are considered an especially sacred place, they are generally closed to the public, except during open houses conducted prior to the Temple's dedication.  Details and reservations will be available through PhiladelphiaMormonTemple.org as the dates for the open house approach.

At the groundbreaking ceremony on September 17, 2011, Church leader William R. Walker remarked, “The temple that we build here will add to the grandeur of the city and in particular it will add to the spirit of brotherly love, which is a hallmark of our faith and of our religion.” Walker also expressed a hope that “citizens of Philadelphia of all faiths will similarly admire the beauty of the temple and see it as a symbol of peace, harmony and faith.”[1] According to the Deseret News, the Philadelphia Temple is unique in that it has a “strong historic meaning to both the founding of the faith and a nation.”[2]

Artist Rendering of Mormon Temple, Meetinghouse, and Residential Tower in Philadelphia - Credit: http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/philadelphia/
Artist Rendering of Mormon Temple, Meetinghouse, and Residential Tower in Philadelphia - Credit: http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/philadelphia/


The year 2016 marks the 177th anniversary of the organization of the Philadelphia Branch of the LDS Church - this occurred at a meeting hall that was formerly located at the corner of 7th and Callowhill Streets in Center City. As of March 2016, there are 148 operating temples of the Church worldwide, with 22 more announced or under construction, including Philadelphia.  When the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple is dedicated on September 18, 2016, it will become the first temple in Pennsylvania.

According to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

“Designed in a neoclassical style, the 53,000-square-foot temple harmonizes with the existing cityscape. The temple’s two towers seem to take inspiration from nearby Independence Hall, while inside, the temple’s design continues the historical motif through decorations and furnishings similar to those of late-1700s-era buildings. Outside, the structure is covered in a granite veneer. The east tower is capped with a gold-leafed statue of the angel Moroni, an ancient Book of Mormon prophet. With its elegant, historical style, the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple indeed stands as a reminder of the area’s rich past, having been home to both Mormonism’s and America’s founding fathers.” [3]

The Mormon Temple in Philadelphia will be unique due its downtown location as well as its proximity to a major Catholic Basilica. The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple will be just steps away from the Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul, a historic church where Pope Francis celebrated Mass on his trip to Philadelphia in September 2015.  Leaders of both faiths say the closeness of the two holy structures mirrors their own feelings of closeness.[4] Construction updates on the new Mormon Temple in Philadelphia can be found by clicking here.


Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple Groundbreaking Video - September 17, 2015


Confluence of Events 

In addition to the dedication of the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple on September 18, 2016, there is currently a unique confluence of auspicious events in Mormonism that are tied to both Philadelphia and Pennsylvania including:

  • Priesthood Restoration Site Reopened in September 2015 – With the Priesthood Restoration Site recently reopened in September 2015, visitors are now able to explore the place where Joseph and Emma Smith lived from 1827 to 1830 and where key events of the gospel’s restoration occurred.[5]  This site in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania is about 174 miles from the new Mormon Temple in Philadelphia or about a 2 hour and 55 minute drive.
  • 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Henry Grow, Jr. on October 1, 2017 - Henry Grow, Jr. was born on October 1, 1817 at a wooded farm (later to become known as Fairview Summit Farm) in Narberth, Pennsylvania.  The upcoming Bicentennial of Henry Grow, Jr.’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the Salt Lake City Tabernacle in 2017 provide a great opportunity to pay homage to one of the pioneer builders and unsung heroes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    By way of background, Henry Grow, Jr. was the architect and engineer who served as a Pioneer Builder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Henry Grow, Jr. grew up in suburban Philadelphia (around 10 miles away from the new Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple), learned bridge building techniques from his family, and eventually became Superintendent of all bridge construction for the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Rail Road Company before traveling out West. Initially, Henry Grow, Jr. went to Nauvoo, Illinois where he worked on the Nauvoo Temple, and then he moved to Salt Lake City where he served as the Superintendent of Temple Block (Square) and designed and built many significant buildings, including the Salt Lake City Tabernacle for Brigham Young.   The Salt Lake City Tabernacle, home of the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir, has served as an amazing time-tested achievement in both engineering and acoustics.  Henry Grow, Jr. is credited with using his bridge building skills to create the Tabernacle’s roof spanning its 150-foot width without any support pillars. Henry Grow, Jr. also built Social Hall, the Salt Lake Theater, Assembly Hall, the first suspension bridge in Utah across Ogden River, the first sugar factory in Utah at Sugar House, several saw mills; the first woolen mills, the New Deseret Paper Mills, etc.  

    Click here for a Timeline of Henry Grow, Jr.'s fascinating life.

Henry Grow, Jr. - Pioneer Builder
Henry Grow, Jr. - Pioneer Builder

Shared Beginnings: Philadelphia & Pennsylvania 

On The Constitutional Walking Tour of Philadelphia, we celebrate Philadelphia’s rich heritage as America’s Birthplace.[6]  To that end, as historians showcasing Philadelphia, we have come to appreciate how so many historic events in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania have been important to religious freedom. According to the Deseret News, “Pennsylvania is both birthplace of the documents of American freedom and Mormon scripture. It is both cradle of American liberty and Mormon priesthood.”[7]

In addition to the confluence of events described, the history of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania speak to the spiritual relevance of celebrating the life of Henry Grow, Jr., a native Philadelphian, the Pioneer Builder and unsung hero of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 

  • Constitution Day: September 17th - It is interesting that the groundbreaking of the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple was held on September 17, 2011, also known as Constitution Day. Whether the groundbreaking date was chosen by design or coincidence, September 17th is a very important date because it commemorates that date in 1787 when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention completed and signed the Constitution of the United States at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, which has allowed for religious freedom for all.
  • William Penn’s Legacy – The Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, grew out of the teachings of George Fox in England, in the 17th Century.  William Penn, a disciple of George Fox, founded Philadelphia as a haven for his persecuted co-religionists. William Penn’s “Holy Experiment” was to build a society according to the Quaker ideals of nonviolence, the equality of man and the absolute right of conscience. William Penn proclaimed this religious freedom in 1701 with the creation of “The Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges”. On The Constitutional Walking Tour, we retell the story with all of our visitors of a French visitor in the 1790s who noted that Philadelphia had 33 places of worship.  Philadelphia had so many religious institutions from the 17th and 18th centuries made possible because of William Penn’s vision which was based on religious tolerance for all, including for the prevailing established religions at that time in Pennsylvania such as Judaism, Catholicism and Protestantism. 

    Some Mormons have interpreted the Book of Mormon to be referencing William Penn. For example, in the Book of Mormon, Chapter 13 discusses the "colonizing of America" and "the restoration of the gospel, the coming forth of latter-day scripture".     

In the Book of Mormon, Chapter 13 describes a man known to God before he was born, and who was “among the Gentiles, who was separated from the seed of my brethren by the many waters; and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land [American continent].” According to Jonathan H. Stephenson, “Inspired of God he went forth to America to its native peoples. And that his own people in Europe made war against his people in America. William Penn certainly fits this description… We honor William Penn and the crucial role he played in preparing a nation for the establishment of religious freedom.”[8]
  • William Penn and Moroni, the Mormon Prophet – It is interesting to note a little known story about how religious freedom was born in Pennsylvania.  According to Richard Huey & Lou Chandler, 
“High atop Philadelphia’s City Hall stands the largest statue on a building in the world.  It is the 37-foot statue of William Penn.  He faces east toward the spot where he first landed in 1682 to establish his holy experiment which laid the groundwork for the restitution of all things. Today [2016] another statue graces the Philadelphia skyline, also facing east, atop the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This image depicts the Book of Mormon prophet, Moroni, sent from the presence of God to restore the everlasting gospel to the earth (see Rev 14:6-7).  Penn and Moroni stand together as partners in the Restoration.  An ancient prophet who ushered it in, and a statesman who facilitated it.  Both stand as evidence that God calls servants to bring about His holy purposes here on earth. And both face the East awaiting the second coming of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whom they both embraced as their Lord and Savior.”[9] (emphasis added)
  • Penn’s Woods Inspired Henry Grow, Jr. - the Architect’s Architect and the Engineer’s Engineer - Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1681.  Pennsylvania means “Penn’s Woods”, and it was created by combining the “Penn” surname (in honor of William Penn’s father, Admiral Sir William Penn) with the Latin word “sylvania”, meaning “forest land.” It seems only fitting that Henry Grow, Jr., who grew up on the wooded farm (later renamed Fairview Summit Farm) in Narberth (later renamed Penn Valley), Pennsylvania, was inspired by his family’s involvement with farming, bridge building, woodworking and design given the natural beauty and awe of Penn’s Woods and the ecosystem in which Henry Grow, Jr. was raised along the banks of the Schuylkill River.

    According to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir,

“The Salt Lake Tabernacle is an architectural wonder. It was completed in 1867 and was engineered by Henry Grow, under the direction of Brigham Young, who was President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the time. The roof is 150 feet across and 250 feet long, and the seating capacity is approximately 7,000, including the choir loft. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who built many famous buildings, including the Guggenheim in New York City, said the Tabernacle was ‘one of the architectural masterpieces of the country and perhaps the world.’[10] (emphasis added)

The beauty and grandeur of Penn’s Woods, coupled with the Grow family’s involvement in farming, bridge building and woodworking dating back to when Henry Grow, Jr. was just a young boy in Narberth, Pennsylvania, suggest that Henry Grow, Jr. was inspired by his surroundings, and became a pioneer builder of the Mormon religion through his thought leadership in architecture, design, engineering and heavy timber construction.  

To that end, in addition to Henry Grow, Jr. being celebrated as the “architect’s architect” for his work on the Salt Lake Tabernacle by Frank Lloyd Wright, Henry Grow, Jr. has been recognized as the “engineer’s engineer” when the Salt Lake Tabernacle was honored as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1971.[11]

According to the Temple Square Web site,

“[T]he Tabernacle was built as a place for Church members to gather and hear the words of their leaders. Brigham Young directed the building should be designed so people could see and hear the speaker without impediment. To do this successfully, bridge-building techniques were used to construct the Tabernacle roof so that support pillars were not needed.[12] (emphasis added)
According to LDS Historian, Paul L. Anderson, 
“This dome-shaped building [The Salt Lake City Tabernacle] on Temple Square in Salt Lake City is one of the most impressive achievements of Latter-day Saint architectural design and engineering skill. Since 1867, this unique pioneer structure has been the site of nearly all of the Church’s General Conferences; addresses by prominent visitors, including several U.S. Presidents; and many significant cultural events. The site of weekly tabernacle choir broadcasts since 1929, it is renowned for its organ. The Salt Lake Tabernacle culminated Latter-day Saint pioneer efforts to construct a very large auditorium for important meetings. On July 28, 1847, Brigham Young designated Temple Square as the center of the new Latter-day Saint capital.[13] (emphasis added)
  • Philadelphia: Mormon Immigrants’ Port of Entry on Way to Utah - After 1854, Philadelphia served as a main port of entry for Latter-day Saints immigrating to the United States from Europe. “Because of the serious problems with sickness in the Mississippi River Valley during this time, Brigham Young counseled British Mission leader, Franklin D. Richards, to route Mormon converts through Philadelphia, Boston, or New York, but President Young gave Philadelphia top billing.”[14]

It is interesting to connect the dots between Henry Grow, Jr.’s hometown of Philadelphia, the immigrants who were Mormon converts arriving in the United States via Philadelphia, and Henry Grow, Jr. providing initial employment in Utah to so many of these immigrants.  Henry Grow Jr.’s pioneer spirit appears to have transcended the typical manager-employee relationship since Henry Grow, Jr.’s management style set these immigrants on a successful pathway by sharing his values including family, spirituality, patriotism, hard work, ingenuity, resilience and success. To that end, the Ogden Standard published that following obituary for Henry Grow, Jr. after he died in 1891, and it was entitled “A Pioneer Gone”:

“Henry Grow, whose death occurred on the 4th inst. in Salt Lake City, and who was buried on Friday, the 6th, was well-known in this City and throughout the Territory.  He [Grow] came to Utah with the Pioneers and for many years was superintendent of the church buildings in Salt Lake. It was in this position he made a host of acquaintances and friends: for thousands who came to this country from foreign lands, and who are now the owners of prosperous homes in various parts of the Territory, performed their first day’s work in America under his direction. He was a gentle taskmaster, and all his men loved him. No better evidence of this could be adduced than was furnished in the addresses at his funeral, most of them from old associates and fellow-workmen who spoke of him in terms of the warmest affection.”[15]
  • Philadelphia Mission: Henry Grow, Jr. in 1876 – On November 1, 1876, during America’s Centennial year, Henry Grow, Jr. left Salt Lake City, Utah for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Henry Grow, Jr. visited his boyhood home in Narberth, Pennsylvania during the Mission and visited with his family who still lived at Fairview Summit Farm.[16]  “From 1876 to 1877 Grow served a mission for the LDS Church in Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania where he was able to visit old relatives.”[17]

Reconnecting to the Lives of the Pioneers

From his Philadelphia roots to his lasting legacy with the Salt Lake Tabernacle and Temple Square, the story of Henry Grow, Jr., evokes a sense of awe, reverence and personal connection to the historical roots of the pioneer builder.

According to Richard Oman’s historical research as the Curator for the Tabernacle exhibit at the Museum of Church History and Art, 

“The story of the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, is much like the story of the Latter-day Saint people. The Tabernacle was built under less than favorable circumstances through great sacrifice. Understanding the Tabernacle’s history can help Church members understand more of their own Church history and appreciate the marvel that is the Salt Lake Tabernacle.”[18]  (emphasis added)

“The Tabernacle is a building of great purpose and spirit, and, like the Saints who built it, it is strong. It has withstood the tests of time.”[19]

In 2004, at the start of the Tabernacle’s renovation, former LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley commented,
“I absolutely marvel at President Young’s boldness in going forward with this project. Way out here in this then-remote wilderness, without steel, with their bare hands, very little in the way of resources, they determined to construct a building to accommodate their needs for assembly and to dream of such a building as this -- unique and different from anything that I’ve seen anywhere in this world.”[20]
According to former LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley,
“To me it is a miracle building. I think of the skill of those who designed it and know that there must have been great inspiration behind that skill. I think of faith as I reflect on the time and circumstance of its construction. It is truly a tabernacle, built in the wilderness from which the voice of the servants of the Lord should go forth to the world.”[21]  (emphasis added)

The theme of the Temple Square Youth Conferences in 2016 is “Then and Now” whereby “[t]he focus behind this theme is building a bridge between the beginning of the history of LDS youth as pioneers, and LDS youth now.”[22]  The stories and accomplishments of Henry Grow, Jr. transcend time and provide an interesting storytelling opportunity about bridge building, literally, figuratively and spiritually.

Church History Department & Historic Homes

As historians at The Constitutional Walking Tour, we have been impressed with the number of Historic Sites nationwide that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints currently maintains and provides interpretation. To that end, the history behind the Church’s Historic Sites Program is fascinating in and of itself. According to Jennifer L. Lund, Director of the Historic Sites Division at the Church History Department,

“The historic sites program which developed under President Joseph F. Smith’s direction revolved around three principles: first, ownership of the land in order to protect the site from desecration, destruction, or development; second, preservation of key elements of the site as a record of the past; and third, interpretation of the site through tours, monuments, statuary, formal landscaping, and publications.”[23]

“The idea of sacred space is an ancient one. When the Lord spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, He commanded, ‘Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground’ (Exodus 3:5).”[24]

“Whatever the motives, Joseph F. Smith made a major commitment to preserving Church history through the acquisition, preservation, and interpretation of historic sites. Now more than one hundred years later, we are the beneficiaries of his foresight.”[25]

Henry Grow, Jr.’s Lasting Legacy

The historical records strongly suggest that Henry Grow, Jr. personified American and Mormon values including family, spirituality, patriotism, hard work, ingenuity, resilience and success. Henry Grow, Jr.’s accomplishments also suggest that he felt that he was doing God’s work and that he selflessly supported the Mormon faith, including in his role as the “Superintendent of Temple Block”.[26]  Mormons are pioneers by religion, and Henry Grow, Jr. epitomized this pioneer spirit.

According to Jennifer Lund, Director, Historic Sites Division at the Church History Department,
“… Temple Square, does not always appear on lists of historic sites, but there can be no doubt that it encompasses the most historically and theologically significant space in Salt Lake City and perhaps in the entire Church.”[27]

While there have been millions of beneficiaries -- including people of all faiths -- of Henry Grow, Jr.’s work on behalf of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Henry Grow Jr.’s projects have received widespread acclaim and recognition, it appears from our research that there is not much, if at all, public recognition for the Superintendent of Temple Block (Square) himself.  As such, in our outsider’s opinion as historians who have studied Henry Grow, Jr., we think that this humble Pioneer Builder appears to be an unsung hero of the Latter-day Saints.

Henry Grow, Jr. Home - Narberth, Pennsylvania (today it is a private residence)
Henry Grow, Jr. Home - Narberth, Pennsylvania (today it is a private residence)

By celebrating the Bicentennial of the birth of Henry Grow, Jr. in 2017, along with the 150th anniversary of the Salt Lake City Tabernacle, visitors to Philadelphia of all faiths could come to enjoy the beauty of Penn’s Woods, learn more about Henry Grow Jr.’s role as the pioneer builder, bridge building techniques and how those ideas inspired Henry Grow Jr.’s design and construction of many buildings, including the Salt Lake Tabernacle.

How to Get There

The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple is located in Center City Philadelphia, right off of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.  For guests of The Constitutional Walking Tour, the easiest way to get to the new Temple from the National Constitution Center, where all of our tours begin and end, would be to take advantage of public transit.  By utilizing the 5th Street Station, just a block south of the National Constitution Center at 5th and Market St, you can travel west to 15th Street Station.  From 15th Street Station you should continue west on Market St to 17th street than turn right and walk until you reach the Temple just past Vine Street.  You can also utilize the 48 Bus, which stops directly in front of the National Constitution Center as well on 17th and Arch St, just a couple of blocks away from the Temple.
The distance is also walkable, at just over a mile away from the National Constitution Center.  Head west on Arch Street until you reach the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.  Turn right on the Parkway, and then turn right again when you reach 17th Street.  The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple will be on your left as you pass Vine St.  If you wish to drive, you will find that street parking is hard to find in the area, but there are multiple off street parking options, including a parking lot directly across the street and private parking on site.

Additional Information

1739 Vine Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19103

[1] http://www.mormontemples.org/eng/articles/philadelphia-pennsylvania-temple

[2] “Unique LDS temple, high-rise apartment project excites Mormons, others in Philadelphia”, by Tad Walch, Deseret News, October 2, 2016, http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865638165/Unique-LDS-temple-high-rise-apartment-project-excites-Mormons-others-in-Philadelphia.html?pg=all

[3] http://www.mormontemples.org/eng/articles/open-house-and-dedication-dates

[4] Deseret News “Unique LDS temple, high-rise apartment project excites Mormons, others in Philadelphia.”  Friday Oct. 2, 2015 Ted Watch

[5] “Latter-day Saints believe that Moroni directed the Church’s first modern-day prophet, Joseph Smith, to find ancient records engraved on metal plates. These records contained an account of Jesus Christ’s ministry in the ancient Americas. Joseph Smith translated much of these records while living in Harmony (present-day Oakland), Pennsylvania, in the late 1820s. This translation came to be known as the Book of Mormon, a foundational book Latter-day Saints accept as scripture in addition to the Bible.” Source: http://www.mormontemples.org/eng/articles/philadelphia-pennsylvania-temple

[6] Nearly forty percent of the U.S. population is within a day’s drive of Philadelphia. To that end, the Henry Grow, Jr. Home is just a two-hour drive from New York City and just a three-hour drive from Washington, D.C. Source: Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau.

[7] “Unique LDS temple, high-rise apartment project excites Mormons, others in Philadelphia”, by Tad Walch, Deseret News, October 2, 2016, http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865638165/Unique-LDS-temple-high-rise-apartment-project-excites-Mormons-others-in-Philadelphia.html?pg=all

[8] Email from Jonathan H. Stephenson to Jonathan H. Bari, December 7, 2015.

[9] “A Little-known Story How Religious Freedom Was Born”, by Richard Huey & Lou Chandler.

[10] “The Remarkable Acoustics of the Salt Lake Tabernacle”, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, The Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter-day Saints, http://www.mormontabernaclechoir.org/articles/acoustics-of-the-salt-lake-tabernacle?lang=eng ; and “What's changed at Tabernacle?”, By Carrie A. Moore, Deseret News, March 27 2007, http://www.deseretnews.com/article/660205785/Whats-changed-at-Tabernacle...

[11] “The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle received national attention this week [March 29, 1971] when it was designated as a national historic civil engineering landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers”. Source: “Tabernacle Is Named Engineering Landmark,” By Stephen W. Gibson, Church News Staff Writer, Deseret News, April 3, 1971, http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=336&dat=19710403&id=J_ZPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=PFUDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4866,863245

[12] The Tabernacle, Temple Square, http://www.templesquare.com/explore/tabernacle/ .

[13] “Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,” Paul L. Anderson, http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Tabernacle,_Salt_Lake_City, accessed on August 12, 2014

[14] See the letter of Brigham Young to Franklin D. Richards, 2 August 1854, in Latter-day Saints Millennial Star 16, no. 43 (October 1854): 684. “David J. Whittaker: The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Branch: Its Early History and Records” (David J. Whittaker, Curator of Nineteenth Century Western and Mormon Manuscripts, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, and Associate Professor, Department of History, Brigham Young University).

[15] Grow, Henry Jr., “A Pioneer Gone”, Obituary, Ogden Standard, November 12, 1891.

[16] Tullidge, Edward W., “History of Salt Lake City”, Star Printing Company, 1886, pages 127-128. The Grow Family Ancestral Home was also known as the “Fairview Summit Farm” since it was a working farm. Elizabeth Grow, the sixth child of Henry Grow, Sr. (and Henry Grow, Jr.’s sister) married Benjamin Lentz on March 14, 1837. At some point, Elizabeth inherited the original Grow Family Ancestral Home on Flat Rock Road in Penn Valley, Pennsylvania; it was owned and operated by the Lentz family until sometime in the early 1900s. As of 1908, the Benjamin Lentz Estate was listed as the owner of the 54 acre Fairview Summit Farm on Flat Rock Road according to the Pennsylvania Railroad Map, “Atlas Main Line Pennsylvania R.R. from Overbrook to Paoli”, Plate 6, Copyrighted 1908 by A. H. Mueller.

[17] Henry Grow, Jr., http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=10359925, accessed on July 22, 2014.

[18] “The Great Tabernacle: A Building of Purpose and Spirit -  Based on historical research by Richard Oman, curator for the Tabernacle exhibit at the Museum of Church History and Art.”, https://www.lds.org/ensign/2007/04/the-great-tabernacle-a-building-of-purpose-and-spirit?lang=eng

[19] “The Great Tabernacle: A Building of Purpose and Spirit -  Based on historical research by Richard Oman, curator for the Tabernacle exhibit at the Museum of Church History and Art.”, https://www.lds.org/ensign/2007/04/the-great-tabernacle-a-building-of-purpose-and-spirit?lang=eng

[20] “The Great Tabernacle: A Building of Purpose and Spirit -  Based on historical research by Richard Oman, curator for the Tabernacle exhibit at the Museum of Church History and Art.”, https://www.lds.org/ensign/2007/04/the-great-tabernacle-a-building-of-purpose-and-spirit?lang=eng , and Source: “Tabernacle renovation press briefing, Oct. 1, 2004, newsroom.lds.org”

[21] “The Great Tabernacle: A Building of Purpose and Spirit -  Based on historical research by Richard Oman, curator for the Tabernacle exhibit at the Museum of Church History and Art.”, https://www.lds.org/ensign/2007/04/the-great-tabernacle-a-building-of-purpose-and-spirit?lang=eng , and Source: President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Building Your Tabernacle,” Ensign, Nov. 1992, 51.

[22] Temple Square Blog, “‘Then and Now’” 2016 Youth Conferences”, http://www.templesquare.com/blog/then-and-now-2016-youth-conferences/

[23] Joseph F. Smith and the Origins of the Church Historic Sites Program, By Jennifer L. Lund,

[24] “Why Historic Sites? Sacred Places Help Us Remember God’s Hand”, Jenny Lund, June 10, 2014, https://history.lds.org/article/why-keep-historic-sites?lang=eng

[25] Joseph F. Smith and the Origins of the Church Historic Sites Program, By Jennifer L. Lund,

[26] Henry Grow, Jr. FamilySearch, Intellectual Reserve, Inc., A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, https://familysearch.org/photos/stories/4740275 , access on August 11, 2014.

[27] “B. H. Roberts, “A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (1957; repr., Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1965), 6:426–31; Steven L. Olsen, “Museums and Historic Sites of Mormonism,” in “Mormon Americana: A Guide to Sources and Collections in the United States”, ed. David J. Whitaker (Provo, UT: BYU Studies, 1995), 523–37. Temple Square does appear on lists of historic sites in the following: Richard H. Jackson, “Historical Sites,” in “Encyclopedia of Mormonism”, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 2:592–95; T. Jeffery Cottle and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, “Historical Sites,” in “Encyclopedia of Latter-day Saint History”, ed. Arnold K. Garr, Donald Q. Cannon, and Richard O. Cowan (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2000), 502–4.” Source: Joseph F. Smith and the Origins of the Church Historic Sites Program, By Jennifer L. Lund, https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/joseph-f-smith-reflections-man-and-his-times/joseph-f-smith-and-origins-church-historic#_edn15)

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