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Hamilton Was Here Exhibit - Museum of the American Revolution

Posted on Sunday, February 10, 2019

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While the smash-hit Broadway musical Hamilton may not mention Philadelphia by name, the Museum of the American Revolution gives Philadelphia its proper credit with its great exhibit, "Hamilton Was Here: Rising Up in Revolutionary Philadelphia." This special exhibit runs through March 17, 2019, and it tells a more accurate story: that Philadelphia was, in fact, the place where a number of pivotal events for the real-life Alexander Hamilton actually happened. 

Hamilton Was Here: Rising Up in Revolutionary Philadelphia

This exhibit is contained within a large room at the Museum of the American Revolution, and admission is included with the purchase of a Museum ticket.  The displays focus on six main events in Hamilton’s life that happened in or around Philadelphia, all of which play prominent roles in the Broadway musical:

1) Hamilton’s role as Washington’s right-hand man,
2) Hamilton’s participation in the Lee-Laurens Duel,
3) Hamilton’s attendance at the Constitutional Convention,
4) Hamilton’s argument for a Federal banking system,
5) Hamilton’s response to the Whiskey Tax Rebellion, and
6) Hamilton’s affair with Maria Reynolds – the “Reynolds Affair”.

Hamilton Was Here: Rising Up in Revolutionary Philadelphia

The exhibit has a number of interactive features.  Among other things, visitors can “load” a cannon, “weigh the differences” between the Articles of Confederation and The Constitution of the United States on a scale, dress up in Colonial garb, and share what they think is the most important thing that Hamilton did in Philadelphia. 

Hamilton Was Here: Rising Up in Revolutionary Philadelphia

There’s plenty for even seasoned Hamilton fans to learn at the exhibit, so be sure to check it out before it closes. Also, Flat Stanley fans will be happy to know that the Museum gives out “Flat Hamiltons” to take with you as you explore Old City!

For those who want to see the rest of Old City, consider booking The Constitutional Walking Tour to guide you to all the historic highlights near the Hamilton exhibit!

Hamilton Was Here: Rising Up in Revolutionary Philadelphia

Insider Info:

The sites of Hamilton’s actual Philadelphia home and office are incredibly convenient to visit from the Museum.  The First Bank of the United States and the site of Hamilton's office are directly across the street from the Museum of the American Revolution.  Hamilton's home with Eliza was one block Southeast; look for the commemorative plaque on the side of the Nelson building which stands there today.

Hamilton Was Here: Rising Up in Revolutionary Philadelphia

Also, though it’s not marked, if you exit the Museum, turn left, and walk a block Southward on 3rd street, you’ll be at the location of the former home of James and Maria Reynolds.  In other words, this was where Hamilton began his affair with Maria, which is portrayed in the smash hit song “Say No To This”.

Additional Information:

Museum of the American Revolution
101 S. 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

First Bank of the United States
128 South 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Hamilton’s Home Site
226 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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