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Freedom Must Carry On

Category: 2007 Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Student: Santina Pescatore
School: Waldron Mercy Academy Merion Station, Pennsylvania (Montgomery County)
Teacher: Eileen Flanagan

Freedom is a privilege that is frequently forgotten about. It is hard to elucidate how important freedom is to the United States. If someone asked me to describe the United States, I would say the word freedom. Freedom is what sets the United States apart from other countries; it is what defines our country.

Someone once said freedom is never free. This person meant that freedom will never be just handed to someone. Freedom is something that must be fought for. I feel freedom is important in my life because I am blessed to live in a place where there is democracy. When I am eighteen, I can vote for leaders to come. In some countries, people do not have that option. The people must listen to their dictator. In the United States, I can get a great education, a great job, and live my life according to the laws. Freedom is one of the greatest things in life. Although many do not realize it, freedom makes a huge impact on our every day lives.

In an article entitled "Our very own passport to freedom", the writer, Gloria Endres, talks about the freedom to get an education. Education is like a passport to life. Without education, we are stuck in one place, doing something we might not want to do. The freedom to receive a great education is a gift. It opens so many doors to the possibilities of life. Education gives people the chance to have a great job and to live a better life than they did before. Education is the key to success.

I am very appreciative of freedom, especially the freedom of a great education. Freedom is never free, so when it is won it must carry on.

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