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The first amendment gives us freedom of speech, press, religion and most importantly, freedom of assembly. This brings us to the recent shooting of a black eighteen-year old, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri by a white police officer. Many people, taking advantage of the freedom to assemble, have protested because they believe that the officer shot Michael Brown because of his race. The first amendment gives them a right to protest peacefully without fear of harm.
This freedom is important to all American people and myself. This freedom allows us to stand up for what we believe in, together as a group. It allows us to fight for what is right. It is important to me because it helps me stay true to what I believe in. We are protected by this right. If the American people dislike a law, they can protest it. This right is important to me also, because I can stand up for others and myself. Freedom of assembly is important to the United States because it gives the citizens a united voice.