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On January 22nd 1973, abortion became legalized after the US Supreme Court Roe vs Wade. Before it was legalized everywhere, women would get illegal abortions and risk infection or death. I am pro-choice, even though many people have told me I should be pro-life because of my circumstances. I was adopted the day I was born because my birth mother was still in college and wasn't married. She was pro-choice but she decided to go through with her pregnancy to let another family experience the joy of having a child. If she had chosen to have an abortion, I wouldn't be here. Although I believe adoption is an amazing choice, not everyone should have to go through a pregnancy if they don't want to. Sometimes, a child can be conceived from rape and the mother doesn't want to relive the pain of that event. Other times, the fetus could have a serious debilitating condition that would make everyday a struggle or the child wouldn't survive outside of the womb. Parents do not always want to go through the agony of having their child die in their arms right after birth. There are also limits to abortion. Women, as part of their constitutional right to privacy, can terminate a pregnancy during its first two trimesters. Only during the last trimester, when the fetus can survive outside the womb, would states be permitted to regulate abortion of a healthy pregnancy. My birth mother could’ve had an abortion, but she chose not to. If a college student is able to make a choice, so can other pregnant women. My mother had an ectopic pregnancy and had to terminate to survive. This is why I believe that women should have the freedom to get an abortion.